Collaboration members provide input and direction to the development of the Regional Gap Analysis and Regional Strategy. There are five levels of participation:
The Core Project Team is comprised of staff working on regional EV related efforts from SANDAG, SDG&E, County of San Diego, SDAPCD and City of San Diego. The Core Project Team is responsible for development of the initiative, facilitating A2Z EV Collaboration meetings, leading development of a Regional Gap Analysis and Regional Strategy and procuring and managing a consultant
Steering Committee Members include the Core Project Team and staff from organizations throughout the region actively involved in advancing transportation electrification. The Steering Committee Members will have direct involvement in the strategic planning and decision making process provide and is expected to provide input and feedback to the Core Project Team and help shape the development of a Needs Assessment and EV Strategy.
Advising Members include diverse stakeholders that comprise organizations interested in EVs throughout the San Diego County region.
Advising Members have limited direct involvement in the strategic planning and decision making process within the Collaboration but may provide input on development of the EV Strategy, outreach, and implementation of programs that result from the Committee’s efforts by participating in surveys, workshops and trainings. Advising members are critical to the success of promoting EV and EV infrastructure in San Diego County and as such are encouraged to participate in the A2Z EV Collaboration and share information with their constituents and network.
Champions of the collaboration and Regional EV Strategy may comprise elected officials and executive leadership from organizations that support EV efforts.
Champions may be asked to provide letters of support and attend press events to raise awareness of the collaboration and the Regional EV Strategy. Champions are critical to the success of promoting EV and EV infrastructure in San Diego County and as such are encouraged to participate in the A2Z EV Collaboration and share information with their constituents and networks.
For more information on how to get involved, please contact us at